La tecnologia robotica può salvare I beni culturali sommersi?


  • Ramiro Dell'Erba ENEA
  • Claudio Moriconi Laboratorio di Robotica Centro Ricerche ENEA Casaccia
  • Alfredo Trocciola ENEA Technical Unit Technology – Biogeochemistry Laboratory Piazzale E. Fermi, 1, 80055 Po


Parole chiave:

Robotica mobile, Beni Culturali, Museo Remoto, ROV


Cultural Heritage can largely profit from the set of technologies that have
recently been developed in Submarine Robotics. In this paper, we focus on how
underwater robotics and related technologies can be used to enhance economical fruition, control, protection and social impact of the cultural heritage.

Robots allow online experience, in remote locations, realizing the remote
museum concept as an extension and enhancement of the virtual museum. These solutions push the cultural tourism beyond actual limits of the sites like the number of simultaneous visitors, the travelling costs, the difficulties to
access dangerous locations coming to a true, advanced fruition of the Cultural
Heritage goods.

Biografia autore

Ramiro Dell'Erba, ENEA

Laboratorio di Robotica Centro Ricerche ENEA Casaccia

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Dell'Erba, R., Moriconi, C., & Trocciola, A. (2018). La tecnologia robotica può salvare I beni culturali sommersi?. Archeomatica, 9(3).




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