Rilievo 3D e fotogrammetria digitale per lo studio e la valorizzazione dell’habitat rupestre: l’ipogeo sotto Sotto Castello e la Basilica di San Giovanni a Rometta (ME)


  • Daniela Patti Università Kore di Enna


The paper focuses on the basilica in Contrada S. Salvatore and the hypogeum
in Contrada Sotto Castello of Rometta (Sicily). Investigating these sites is not
an easy task, due to the difficulties in defining their typology and chronology.
The archeological survey and the geometric representation of these complex
shapes and highly irregular surfaces are actually challenging tasks. Considering
the particular nature of these rock settlements, they have been investigated
by means of ICT tools (tri-dimensional surveys, digital Photogrammetry),
which prove to be useful not only for scientific research, but also for
communication purposes and for the exploitation of cultural heritage.

Biografia autore

Daniela Patti, Università Kore di Enna

Professore Associato di Archeologia cristiana e medievale presso l’Università
Kore di Enna




Come citare

Patti, D. (2022). Rilievo 3D e fotogrammetria digitale per lo studio e la valorizzazione dell’habitat rupestre: l’ipogeo sotto Sotto Castello e la Basilica di San Giovanni a Rometta (ME). Archeomatica, 12(4). Recuperato da


