
  • Vyron Antoniu Hellenic Military Academy, Greece

Parole chiave:

VGI, datasets, GI, spatial data quality


Oggi la Volunteer Geographic Information (VGI) è onnipresente. Proviene da varie fonti e può essere trovata in molti aspetti tra cui toponimi, tracce GPS, foto geo-tag, applicazioni di social networking, blog, misurazioni dei sensori, mappe topografiche ecc.

Può essere il frutto di un lavoro sul campo o di bulk data importati da un dataset autorevole, disponibile gratuitamente. E' ovvio che tutte queste fonti non possono solo cadere in un'unica categoria. Ci sono molti aspetti che possono essere esaminati qui, ma di particolare interesse, quando si esaminano le fonti e le tipologie di VGI, sono l'origine, la motivazione e lo scopo di chi contribuisce alla VGI.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Antoniou, V. (2011). User generated spatial content: an analysis of the phenomenon and its challenges for mapping

agencies. Ph.D. Thesis, University College London.

Antoniou, V. and Skopeliti, A. (2015). Measures and Indicators of Vgi Quality: An Overview. ISPRS Ann.

Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., II-3/W5, pp.345-351.

Girres, J. and Touya, G. (2010). Quality Assessment of the French OpenStreetMap Dataset. Transactions

in GIS, 14(4), pp.435-459.

Goodchild, M. (2007). Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography. GeoJournal, 69(4),


Haklay, M., Basiouka, S., Antoniou, V. and Ather, A. (2010). How Many Volunteers Does it Take to

Map an Area Well? The Validity of Linus' Law to Volunteered Geographic Information. The Cartographic

Journal, 47(4), pp.315-322.

International Organisation for Standardisation 2005. ISO 9000: Quality management systems - Fundamentals

and Vocabulary, Geneva: ISO.

International Organisation for Standardisation, 2013. ISO19157:2013 Geographic information - Data quality,

Geneva: ISO.

KeàŸler, C., de Groot, R. T. A., 2013. Trust as a proxy measure for the quality of Volunteered Geographic

Information in the case of OpenStreetMap. In: Geographic information science at the heart of Europe,

Springer International Publishing, pp. 21-37.

Roche S, Nabian N, Kloeckl K and Ratti C (2012). Are ‘smart cities' smart enough? In: Rajabifard A

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Tobler, W. (1970). A Computer Movie Simulating Urban Growth in the Detroit Region. Economic

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Turner, A. (2006). Introduction to Neogeography. Sebastopol, Calif.: O'Reilly.

Van Exel, M., Dias, E., Fruijtier, S., 2010. The impact of crowdsourcing on spatial data quality indicators.

In: Proceedings of GiScience 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.

Zielstra, D., Zipf, A., 2010. A comparative study of proprietary geodata and volunteered geographic

information for Germany. In: Proceedings of the Thirteenth AGILE International Conference on Geographic

Information Science, Guimarà£es, Portugal.




Come citare

Antoniu, V. (2016). VOLUNTEERED GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION MEASURING QUALITY, UNDERSTANDING THE VALUE. GEOmedia, 20(1). Recuperato da https://ojs.mediageo.it/index.php/GEOmedia/article/view/1298

