Windows opening in naturally ventilated classrooms: management strategies to balance energy use and reduction of risk infection transmission


  • Giulia Lamberti
  • Giacomo Salvadori University of Pisa, School of Engineering, Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, 56122 Pisa, Italy


Parole chiave:

eumap, covid-19, indoor air quality


The study presents a method to determine window opening time and frequency, considering window characteristics, indoor and outdoor conditions, and room occupancy.
Results reveal that opening time correlates with room surface and occupancy but diminishes with larger window areas and favourable discharge coefficients based on window types.
Additionally, in windless conditions, opening time decreases as the indooroutdoor temperature difference increases.

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Come citare

Lamberti, G., & Salvadori, G. (2023). Windows opening in naturally ventilated classrooms: management strategies to balance energy use and reduction of risk infection transmission. GEOmedia, 27(3).

