Shape and Semantics Modelling. La ricerca dell'IMATI -CNR per la rappresentazione, l'analisi e la documentazione di modelli digitali 3D e le sue applicazioni ai Beni Culturali


  • Bianca Falcidieno CNR-IMATI , GENOVA



3D, Shape Modelling, Semantics Modelling


The Shape and Semantics Modelling Group of CNR-IMATI (an Institute of the
Italian National Research Council) is active on several research topics related
to shape modelling and retrieval. They include geometric modelling, shape
analysis and similarity with applications to Cultural Heritage, Product Modelling,
Geographical Data Processing, Fabrication and Medicine. The group is characterized by a unique mix of theoretical, computational and applied
expertise in mathematics and computer science.
It has an internationally recognized leading role in shape modelling and
analysis, and in semantics-based technologies as proven by the scientific results
and by the many EU projects and international/national collaborations.
In Cultural Heritage and Archaeology the team is applying its specific expertise
in the acquisition and reconstruction of surfaces and objects, in the analysis
of 3D models, and point clouds and in the similarity evaluation and classification
of digital heritage objects.



How to Cite

Falcidieno, B. (2016). Shape and Semantics Modelling. La ricerca dell’IMATI -CNR per la rappresentazione, l’analisi e la documentazione di modelli digitali 3D e le sue applicazioni ai Beni Culturali. Archeomatica, 7(3).