Approccio geografico nello studio delle pressioni puntuali della Regione Umbria


  • Giacomo Rapi Ingegnere per l'ambiente e il territorio, ARPA Umbria, Perugia,
  • Antonio Natale Geografo, TeamDev S.r.l., Collepepe (PG)


Umbria, Fiumi, Laghi, Dasymetric Mapping, Analisi Pressioni Puntuali, Scarichi, Piano di Tutela delle Acque


As part of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE, ARPA Umbria performed in 2015 an anthropogenic pressures analysis on water bodies, in order to update the Umbria Region Water Bodies Protection Plan
and the District Water Plans. Point source pressures, both civil and industrial, were analyzed. A complex methodology was developed, based on a matrix approach with a discretization of 100x100m grid and an algorithm to calculate the pollutant loads from the information available in the wastewaters database
of Umbria region. Several geoprocessing models were created, with a Model Builder tool, allowed to estimate pollutant loads in surface waters and groundwaters.



How to Cite

Rapi, G., & Natale, A. (2017). Approccio geografico nello studio delle pressioni puntuali della Regione Umbria. GEOmedia, 21(2). Retrieved from

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