La piattaforma POS/LV di Applanix nelle applicazioni di laser scanner cinematico


  • Domenico Santarsiero


The Applanix POS/LV platform in cinematic laser scanner applications

On the 11th of march the GEOmedia editorial unit had the pleasure of hosting a technical meeting dedicated to the Applanix LANDMark new Position and Orientation System for Land Vehicles (POS/LV)
field test. The meeting, which is part of an italian tour organized by Louis Nastro (Applanix Director of Land Products) and Terenzio Mariani (Sales manager for Italy), helped to test the functionalities of a complete POS/LV system equipped with a laser and an imaging acquisition software installed on board of a SUV.



How to Cite

Santarsiero, D. (2008). La piattaforma POS/LV di Applanix nelle applicazioni di laser scanner cinematico. GEOmedia, 12(2). Retrieved from