Revealing Tyndaris: a technological approach to archaeological conservation and study


  • Redazione MediaGEO
  • Andrea Di Santo
  • Michele Fasolo


The archaeological site of Tyndaris
(currently Tindari, municipality of
Patti, province of Messina, Italy)
served as the backdrop for an important
technological and cultural
initiative organized by mediaGeo
on May 30, 2024: the “Technology
for All on the Road 2024”.
The event brought together university
professors, experts in geomatics,
archaeology, and engineering,
as well as industry professionals
engaged in applying advanced surveying
methodologies. The main
objective was to create precise and
detailed digital documentation of a
site useful for conservation, study,
and tourism enhancement.
During the event, a series of stateof-
the-art surveying technologies
were employed to map and meticulously
document the topography
and monuments of the ancient
Greek, and later Roman, city in Sicily—
an area for which a complete
survey is still lacking.




Come citare

MediaGEO, V., Di Santo, A., & Fasolo, M. . (2024). Revealing Tyndaris: a technological approach to archaeological conservation and study. Archeomatica, 15(3). Recuperato da


