Delta Solutions: Sistema di monitoraggio delle deformazioni Riduzione del rischio nella gestione degli asset


  • Chris Emery Business Manager - Monitoring Solutions Europe, Topcon


Monitoraggio, infrastrutture, safety, asset management, Total station, GNSS


Infrastructures and surrounding areas can present great risks where structural movement or failure of infrastructure can result in catastrophic consequences also for the people living and working in nearby existing buildings, besides for the teams of workers involved in the infrastructures underway. As a positive and important consequence of this growing awareness, the increasing application of systematic techniques for structural monitoring has proved essential for risk comprehension and management throughout the entire life cycle of infrastructures.

In this article reference is made to the remarkable investments that the UK has been lately pledging (wishing similar measures are taken also in our country), both for the improving of existing aging infrastructures
and for new projects.

In the second part of the article, the hardware and software components of the Topcon Delta Solutions modular solution are analyzed in details: Delta Link, Delta Log and Delta Watch, designed for ease of use and seamless integration into any workflow.




How to Cite

Emery, C. (2017). Delta Solutions: Sistema di monitoraggio delle deformazioni Riduzione del rischio nella gestione degli asset. GEOmedia, 21(4). Retrieved from