L’intelligenza artificiale applicata al patrimonio culturale

Una innovazione tecnologica per la conservazione e la valorizzazione del patrimomio culturale


  • Luca Papi Ingegnere della Sicurezza e Protezione Civile Primo Tecnologo del Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale del CNR - Roma
  • Antonella Petrillo Università degli Studi di Napoli "PARTHENOPE" Dipartimento di Ingegneria Isola C4 Centro Direzionale Napoli


Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, robotica, big data , data analytics


Artificial intelligence (AI) represents a promising frontier for cultural heritage, offering new perspectives for conservation, cataloguing, research and valorisation.
AI can allow us to preserve and pass on our cultural roots to future generations. However, a "balanced" approach is needed,
in which technological innovation is embraced while preserving the integrity and value of the works of art and of history itself. With careful management, artificial intelligence can become a valuable tool for preserving and enhancing our cultural heritage for future generations. What are the benefits, challenges and future developments of AI in the context of cultural heritage?


Alan M. Turing (1950), Computing machinery and intelligence, Mind, Volume LIX , Issue 236, O Pages 433–460, https://doi.org /10.1093/ mind/LIX .236.433

Egor Zakharov, A liaksandra Shysheya, E gor Burkov, V ictor Lempitsky (2019), Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models (https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.08233).[

Luca Papi, Francesco Paolo Russo (2023), Verso la tecnologia 6G per i luoghi della cultura, Archeomatica, pp. 6-9 - ISSN 2037-2485



How to Cite

Papi, L., & Petrillo, A. (2023). L’intelligenza artificiale applicata al patrimonio culturale: Una innovazione tecnologica per la conservazione e la valorizzazione del patrimomio culturale . Archeomatica, 14(2). Retrieved from https://ojs.mediageo.it/index.php/archeomatica/article/view/1934


